Lunch Program

Hot Lunch

Our Hot Lunch program is run by parent volunteers as a school Parent Advisory League fundraiser and offers students low cost meals once per week. It normally runs October-May. Food is prepaid and preordered for a month in advance.

Hot Lunch forms are typically available online at the beginning of each month. Ordering for the following month closes on the 25th of the month. Payment can be made through the PAL website or via email money transfer to

If your child is absent on Hot Lunch Day, his/her lunch will be given to a student who does not have a lunch. If you prefer, you may call the school prior to 11am and request his/her lunch go to a specific student. Refunds are not offered.

Hot Lunch/Bus Cancellation:

Due to our vendors requiring advance notice for changes or cancellations, our policy is that Hot Lunch will continue even on inclement weather days when transportation is cancelled.

In the event that buses are cancelled well in advance of a hot lunch day, we may be able to cancel or postpone the lunch date, and if so, the school will email parents to notify them of this change. However, our standard practice is that we will proceed with hot lunch. 

If your child will not be at school and you would like to pick up your order, please contact the school before 10am that day. If notice is given by 10:00 a.m. we will arrange to have your children's lunch available for pickup at the office.

Any extra lunches will first be given to students in need of a lunch, and excess food will be donated to a local organization that can use the lunches. Hot Lunch is a fundraiser and refunds are not available. Thank you for your understanding.

Online Orders

Hot lunch can be ordered online through the PAL website:

  1. Go to
  2. Select "Register" from the menu at the top right hand corner to sign up.
  3. School access code: HPHL (all caps)
  4. Set up your user id and password.
  5. Once registered you are automatically logged into the website.
  6. Add your student(s) by selecting the Student link at the bottom of the page you are on.
  7. Follow the online instructions to order and pay. You can pay by credit card without creating a PayPal account.